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  • Shania Wolfe

An Impeachment Timeline.

Updated: Dec 2, 2019

By : Shania Wolfe

The House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, announced an impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump on Sept. 24.

According to The Guardian, Congress has been investigating an alleged plot by Trump to use the power of his office to solicit interference from Ukraine in the 2020 election.

Democrats say that amounts of an abuse of power impeachable under the United States constitution. Republicans have said Trump’s conduct was concerning but not impeachable.

a timeline of key events so far :

Apr. 21. 2019 - Zelensky is elected in Ukraine

According to CNN Politics, Zelensky once a comedian and actor who previously played the President of Ukraine on TV, wins a landslide victory to become the actual President of Ukraine

May. 1. 2019 - Rudy Giuliani’s theory goes mainstream :

CNN Politics reports that Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani has been pushing for Ukrainians to investigate the arrangement and met repeatedly with Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko in New York.

Jul. 10. 2019 - White House meeting between US and Ukrainian officials :

The meeting featured White House and State Department officials as well as top officials in the Ukrainian government.

Testimony suggests the decision was coordinated with acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, who would in October publicly acknowledge that aid was contingent on investigations.

Before 25 July - Aid to Ukraine frozen :

According to CNN Politics, the exact date remains unclear, but the White House Office of Management and Budget put on hold aid that Congress had directed to be sent to Ukraine.

Jul. 25. 2019 - Phone call between Trump and Zelensky :

The Presidents talk by phone, officially so that Trump can congratulate Zelensky on successful parliamentary elections.

Trump repeatedly brings up investigations he’d like Zelensky to look into, including the interference in the 2016 elections and the relationship between Burisma and the Bidens.

Jul. 26. 2019 - Diplomats meet with Zelensky; Trump asks Sondland about investigation

CNN Politics reports that the US Special Envoy for Ukraine, accompanied by Sondland, meets with Zelensky in Kiev.

They discuss military topics, according to Zelensky’s statement after the meeting, which does not mention the corruption investigations.

An aide to Bill Taylor, the top US diplomat in Ukraine, overhears a phone call between Trump and Sondland in which Trump asks about the investigations.

Aug. 12. 2019 - Whistleblower files complaint

This document will eventually trigger the impeachment inquiry.

Read an annotated version here :

Aug. 29. 2019 - Ukraine raises concerns about the aid

According to Taylor’s testimony, he speaks on the phone with Yermak, who is alarmed about the status of the aid.

Yermak separately texts Volker a Politico story on the withheld aid.

Sept. 1. 2019 - Sondland delivers ultimatum

According to CNN Politics, Sondland recalls telling Yermak, on the sidelines of a meeting between Vice President Mike Pence and Zelensky, that there would be no aid without the investigations.

Sondland says that Taylor makes clear that everything is going to be withheld because President Trump wants to put the Ukrainians in a “public box” and force the investigations on them.

Sept. 9. 2019 - Concerns from Taylor + inspector general come to a head

In text messages and in a phone call with Sondland, Taylor raises more concerns about holding the Ukraine aid.

Intelligence community Inspector General Micheal Atkinson notifies House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff and ranking member Rep. Devin Nunes of an “urgent concern.”

Three House committees launch an investigation of efforts by Trump, Giuliani and others to pressure the Ukrainian government to assist the President’s reelection efforts.

Sept. 11. 2019 - White House lifts freeze on Ukraine aid.

According to CNN Politics, the White House lifted it’s temporary hold on $391 million in military and security assistance for Ukraine.

Sept. 12. 2019 - Ukraine informed hold on military aid is lifted.

Taylor tells Zelensky that the hold on military aid is lifted and says it is key to not get involved in foreign elections.

Sept. 24. 2019 - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announces a formal impeachment inquiry into Trump.

According to CNN Politics, the day before the transcript of Trump’s call with Zelensky is released and two days before the whistleblower complaint is made public.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced in a televised address that existing House oversight investigations into Trump will be expanded.

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