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Corona Virus Spreading to the United States

Since December 31, 81 people have died in China. Now Nearly 3,000 people have contracted the virus in China, The youngest being a nine month old baby girl in Beijing. The United States, Taiwan, Australia and Macau have five cases each; Singapore, Japan, South Korea and Malaysia each have reported four cases each; France has three cases; Canada and Vietnam have two cases, and Nepal has one. However, no one has died outside of China from this disease. 

The first person in the United States infected with the disease is a 30 year old man in Washington state. He had been traveling to the United States from Wuhan, China. Because of this, Federal officials announced that they are expanding screenings for the infection at major airports in the United States. In addition to New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco, airports in Atlanta and Chicago will begin examining passengers arriving from Wuhan, China, for signs of illness.

The risk to children and pregnant women in the U.S. is currently low, but experts remain vigilant. So, there is no need to panic at the moment. It’s also important to keep things in perspective,said Dr. Mulligan. “Flu is killing a lot more Americans, including children,” he said. “There’s no doubt the influenza virus will cause many more illnesses, hospitalizations and even deaths than this coronavirus.” 

To stay clear of the flu this year just remember to wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizer. If you see someone coughing or sneezing try staying away from them at all times possible. And if you are not feeling the greatest, it might just be better if you stay home from school for the day and take care of yourself. Most importantly, get vaccinated. 

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