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  • Writer's pictureLexi Landon

Coronavirus Spreads Within China

Updated: Jan 29, 2020

Recently on December 31, 2019, spotted the original finding of the Coronavirus in Wuhan, China. On Tuesday January 21, 2020 the virus infected nearly 300 people, and killed six. Today, it has killed 17 people, and a confirmed 800 cases of Coronavirus.

The original outbreak came from a seafood department, making a complete shutdown of any in or out transportation in the city. The Coronavirus has spread all around China to Asia, Taiwan, Thailand, Japan, and South Korea. This virus causes SARS; Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, and pneumonia.

The virus has now been confirmed in multiple cases in the United States. This virus is transmitted from person to person. It originated from a Seafood Market in Wuhan, anyone who shopped or purchased food was a risk to catching this virus.

Those people who have caught this illness are reported to suffer from a cough, fever and breathing difficulties. In many severe cases, organ failure can be caused.

The numbers today Monday January 27th, have grown to a crazy 2,000 cases reported and 50 deaths. This Coronavirus has not been declared a national security matter, it is still claimed to be an epidemic which is causing a severe crisis period in china.

The Chinese new year has been postponed for any traveling of people to enter or leave China. This caused major controversy for the Chinese New Year to be celebrated. The closing down of any transportation has caused for drastic measures in keeping people virus free.

All China’s animal markets have been cleaned as well as checked for any remainders of this disease. Even though all markets have been cleaned, the virus is still spreading and progressively getting worse. There are more than 50 confirmed cases in 13 places outside of mainland China. Now reported, 5 cases found in the United States.

The estimated total today on January 28th, 2020 has reached 5,974 confirmed cases and 106 deaths.

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