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  • Writer's pictureCassidy Reuwer

Are You a Fan of Pit-Bull Bans?

Humans have always enjoyed the affection, love and support of animals. So what better companion to show that to people other than dogs themselves? But, what if their favorite breed happens to be the American Pit-Bull Terrier and suddenly they are notified that it is now illegal to own them in the state that they reside in? How would they feel if they were forced to give up the one thing that makes them happy and in some cases, is the center of most individual’s families?

No one should be forced to give up their household pet no matter the situation, unless it is causing a threat to any individuals or residents. Recently, and within the past few years, local governments have been creating what are called “pit-bull bans”. They cause any pit-bull owners to surrender their beloved pets to shelters located outside of the state and even sometimes just confiscate individual’s dogs and execute them with no thought given to the procedure. 

These pit-bull bans are now prevelant in ten states, which are as follows: Iowa, Kansas, Ohio, Missouri, Wisconsin, Mississipi, Arkansas, Michigan, Louisiana, and Kentucky.  Pitbulls have also been banned in several countries as well: New Zealand, Brazil, Belgium, Canada, France, Finland, Denamark, Poland, Norway, the U.S. Terriritory and Puerto Rico. 

The sole reason that pit-bulls are being banned, is simply because this breed has been given a title of “aggression” and “danger”. Though this is true for certain pit-bulls, it isnt the case for all of them. The ones that have the aggression and show danger are the dogs who have been raised by the wrong people, who specifially raise and train this breed to be mean and vicious dogs. Yes, dogs do have bloodlines and can have hereditary traits but, if raised accordingly, any breed of dog can be aggressive or well behaved, all depending on who raises them and how they do it. 

The “pit-bull ban” issue has been an on going problem since 1984 when a town in New Mexico banned pit-bulls entirely. Since then it has progressively gotten worse; as no one has chosen to do anything about the dilemma. Instead of keeping the problem and refusing to find a resolution, something should be done to prevent these cruel and unfair bans so that all current and future pit-bull owners will be able to enjoy the feeling of knowing that they will never have to give up their beloved pet.
One million pit-bulls are euthanized every year. That's 2,800 pit-bulls a day.

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