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  • Writer's pictureCassidy Reuwer

Bay Bridge Conversation Continues

Recently, it has come to the attention of many local Kent County residents that a new Bay Bridge is coming to the very near Chesapeake Bay. To most, this seems to be simply horrific for the fact that some or many could possibly lose their land due to the bridge coming through and crossing over farm lands and other rural places where residents live. 

The idea of the new Bay Bridge coming is expected to relieve traffic-jam and congestion. With this, the regular bay bridge is expected to drop 40,000 vehicles by 2040. 

This is expected to affect both Kent County and the Chesapeake Bay. With the bridge coming through, it could potentially run directly through individuals properties, but if this becomes so, the properties that wouldn’t be affected by the bridge will raise in land and home value. This could cause a major population shift either in more people resorting, or more people moving in. 

With so many vehicles on the main bay bridge, people are more prone to accidents or mishaps.  The community members that live in Kent County don’t want this to happen. 

This subject has caused much tension around Kent County members. It has not progressed because of such stratification on whether or not the bridge should be built, where it should be built, and whether or not it will be productive or not. 


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