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  • Writer's pictureLazaro Hernandez Rosas

Chaos in Hong Kong

The people in Hong Kong need to be heard because they are being treated like they are not part of China and which makes them look like they have no rights to take any part of the decisions in the government. The protest they are doing is to remove a law that they never agreed to have which they are trying to remove by doing the protest wand with others who want to join in.

The protest started in March 31 and is still going right now and increasing in people. They called the protest “The Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill, or for short ELAB. The bill that they want to be removed is called The Fugitive Offenders amendment bill, what the bill does is that It covers mainland China and other jurisdictions that don’t have an extradition agreement with Hong Kong. The Anti-Extradition bill protest is the largest protest in Hong Kong up to 2 million marchers on June 16.

The Hong Kong protest has been increasing that the government in China are having trouble controlling the situation and the protest is getting pretty aggressive. In October 1 the protest tried stopping the 70th anniversary of china which the governor xi ping tried to stop them with the military and ended up in a riot that many of the people got hurt or been tear gassed at. One of the officers of Hong Kong shot an 18 year old protester with live bullets, which showed the force used against the protester was escalating a lot.

This protest affects the government in China because if they don't have control over the situation, the protest could increase and they could lose power or control over them and will have more problems on stopping the than fixing it and this could scare away tourists that want to visit Hong Kong. This could affect their image on how the world looks at them.

The Violence that the protest are doing in the 70th anniversary of China


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