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  • Shania Wolfe

Halftime is Gametime for KCHS Marching Band

Halftime Show 2018

The Kent County High School Trojans are set to take on the Snow Hill Eagles on Friday, September 27 at 6:30 p.m.

With this in mind, the KCHS Marching Band is preparing to take the field Friday night during halftime for their first performance of the season.

The marching band has been rehearsing and perfecting the field show since late August.

When asked how Director Dr Keith Wharton is feeling about the first game, he’ll smile and respond with confidence. “I think we’re going to do well,” he said. “The students are working hard, and working even when practicing in the dark. I’m anxious to get the first game going. I think that our students have created a good halftime show.”

Individually, students are very excited for the first game, but these feelings of excitement are accompanied by feelings of anxiety.

As a group, they all feel ready and pumped up for the first game. They all are aware that their hard work and dedication is going to pay off once the time clock strikes 0:00.

Before every game, however, the routine is always the same: Once the final school bell rings, all the band kids scurry down the hallway towards the band room.

Every student tries to get in a power nap, a last minute snack, and homework.

Those 30 minutes before practice are always the most crucial.

For the next hour or two, the band is down on the football field practicing and going over field placement. Afterwards, the entire group heads inside for dinner. after dinner, they begin getting ready for the show.

For the past two years, the group has done songs from the 1980’s, but this year the group is going for a modern spin on their songs.

This year’s selections include songs like, “I Knew You Were Trouble” by Taylor Swift, “Bang Bang” by Jessie J. Come out to the game to hear the rest of the setlist.

The colorguard will be accompanying the marching band during their performance. The group will be spinning and tossing their bright blue flags. They are certainly not to be missed in their bright blue skirts and gold glitter.

Besides Dr Wharton, and Mr Thai, the band parents are the most important part of what makes pre-game preparations go smoothly.

Without them, the group would not be able to have last minute adjustments to their uniforms, or help finding their lost shoes.

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