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  • Writer's pictureCatherine Milligan

Saying Farewell to the Interns

Kent County High School staff and students said farewell to the 2019 student interns Dec. 11, 2019. The interns have been co-teaching classes since the beginning of the school year in September. The 2019 interns were Katelyn Larrimore, Sophie Grabiec, Matthew Furlong, Bryanna Rupprecht, and John McRae. The interns came to KCHS from Washington College.

Ms. Larrimore was an intern for Ms. Walters in the english department. Ms. Larrimore learned a lot about preparation and connecting with students throughout her time at KCHS.

“I’ve learned so much about collaborating with my students in order to lead the most impactful and meaningful classes,” she said.

Ms. Grabiec is also an aspiring english teacher and interned for Mrs. McCown. She also was a huge help with journalism and the school newspaper. She was an active writer for her school newspaper, The Elm. Ms. Grabiec feels more prepared for her future teaching career because of her experience. She said, “The best way to learn anything is to jump in feet first. The direct application in the actual classroom is 100 times more informative than talking about it in the college classroom.”

Dr. Wharton welcomed Mr. Mcrae, a music education major, into the bandroom. Mr. Mcrae helped direct the KCHS band. He saw a lot of himself in his band students, “Their passion for music is comparable to my own, and it has been incredible working with them and sharing my passion for music with them.” Mr. Mcrae was able to build a personable relationship with each of the students he taught. Dr. Wharton was a huge help along the way, “ Dr. Wharton has been a fantastic mentor. He has taught me a lot that I will apply in my teaching career.”

Mr. Furlong was an intern for Mrs. Bachmann’s social studies classes. Mrs. Bachmann was a huge help to Mr. Furlong, “While I am far from being as successful as Mrs. Bachmann, I appreciated observing her teach and looking for ways that I can mimic that moving forward. I would not have been able to have any success without the help of Mrs. Bachmann and I cannot commend her enough for her support,” he said.

Ms. Rupprecht joined Mr. Evans in room 310, co-teaching biology class. Ms. Rupprecht was always welcoming and found ways to make her students smile. “Mr. Evans would tell me ‘teacher tips’ throughout the day including keeping snacks in the room for students, writing thank you cards, and giving students a treat during tests,” she says.

The Washington College interns will be missed greatly. They left an impact on the students and staff of KCHS.

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