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  • Writer's pictureLazaro Hernandez Rosas

It's an Oil Crisis

The one who is behind the attack on Saudi Arabia oil facilities in Yemen Houthi Forces or Iran which is insane because they managed to shut down one of the largest crude oil processing plants on the planet. The President and Prime Minister Boris Johnson who also blames Iran for the attack on the Saudi Arabian oil facilities ahead of a meeting with the country’s president, Hassan Rouhani. Johnson said there is a ‘’very high degree of probability’’ Iran was behind the drone and missile attack on the two oil facilities.

This took place in Saudi Arabia on September 14, 2019, on a Saturday. They Attacked with drones at the facilities they used about 19 drones to finish with their attack 17 of them hitting targets at Saudi Arabia’s Abqaiq stabilization facility and Khurais oil field with an accuracy that was, in the words of one energy expert, “exquisitely precise.” In a single, two-pronged operation, they cut oil production by 5.7 million barrels per day, nearly 7 percent of the current global output. Decades of climate negotiations have not been nearly so effective.

we don't know how or why it happened but so far what every information or source show is that Iran was the one who decided to attack the oil facilities and they are denying that they didn't do it.

This affects everyone because if Saudi Arabia loses so much oil this mean that oil prices will increase and it will be expensive for the US and the civilians because the US buys the barrels which have increased 9.2% and now 59.89 a barrel, for the civilians which we use it for Cars, boilers, and furnaces for heating homes and buildings, for industrial heating, and for producing electricity in power plants.

This is infrastructure that was damaged by the drones.


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