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  • Writer's pictureMiAsia Hawkes

Madrid Faces Deadly Storm

Madrid, Spain was hit by a winter storm starting earlier this week, putting over 200,000 without power and killing at least ten people. The deadly storm has done a lot of damage as dozens of roads remain impassable, railways cut off and destruction of major bridges. Amid the disruption, 600 more households evacuate their homes, as other villages more inward the country have been topped by snow. For coastal towns, waves more than 45 feet tall crash over, as winds over 60 mph rage across the area.

Citizens walkthrough sleet-frozen roads in Madrid Spain. (Sputnik News)

Naturally, the worst-hit areas are near the river, where villages grow rice in paddy fields, which then become the worst flooded area. Forcing inhabitants to leave temporarily and seek greater shelter. Spain even called for an emergency meeting as Gloria began to cause more devastation for local citizens.

It is hard when deciding on which side, whether it is the wintery side of things or the coastal, is the worst to succumb at the moment, but we can all agree that it has been very disruptive to the citizens residing in the affected areas. In addition to the power outages, school children have been left in the limbo without having a class to attend. As days past by students are

Residents walk on a bridge on the Onyar river during

Gloria. (MSN)

still not in school, holding them back from the curriculum.

In the wake of this situation, there will be efforts in reversing the damage done by the storms in each area which was hit.

Update: 2 more deaths have been confirmed, making the death toll 13.

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