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  • Writer's pictureRiley Hylton

Pete Buttigieg 2020 Election

Updated: Nov 19, 2019

Pete Buttigieg is the mayor of South Bend Indiana. And he will be running for the presidency of the United States as a democratic candidate in the 2020 election. Mr. Buttigieg's previous jobs were consultant of McKinsey & Company as well as US Navy Reserve officer doing a seven-month tour as a counterintelligence officer in Afghanistan. Mr. Buttigieg is only 37 and if elected he would be the youngest president.

He came out of the closet in 2016 and has been openly gay since then and supports the Federal Equality Act. Which includes the right for prisoners to receive gender reassignment surgery. Pete Buttigieg is from South Bend, Indiana and went to Harvard and became a Rhodes scholar. Based on a poll in 2015 24% of the people in the U.S. would not vote on a candidate because on their sexuality.

Mr. Buttigieg pushed for raise in minimum wages and for all people to have medicare (Wezerek). He also wants to increase border security instead of building a wall Is also willing to spend up to $2 trillion on climate change and wants to be carbon neutral by 2050. In criminal justice reform he supports abolishing the death penalty and “banning the box” which prohibits an employer from asking about criminal record until later in the process.

Pete Buttigieg has the challenge of being the mayor of a small midwestern state. “To him, winning reelection as an openly gay man in Indiana during the governorship of Mike Pence (who in the past supported conversion therapy) shows that voters "aren't necessarily ideological, you can reach them at a human level."(Alfaro).

Relman, Eliza. “Pete Buttigieg Is Running for President in 2020. Here's Everything We Know

about the Candidate and How He Stacks up against the Competition.” Business Insider,

Business Insider, 16 Oct. 2019,

Wezerek, Gus. “How Pete Buttigieg Could Win The 2020 Democratic Nomination.” FiveThirtyEight, FiveThirtyEight, 23 Jan. 2019,

Alfaro, Mariana. “Pete Buttigieg Is an Openly Gay Military Veteran, Rhodes Scholar, and Democratic Mayor in a Red State. He's Also Running for President.” Business Insider, Business Insider, 26 Jan. 2019,

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