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  • Sydney Guest

Production Season is Upon Us Once Again

It is that time of year again! Students are currently preparing to impress the production team for the musical Oliver! with their singing, dancing and acting. This year's production team consists of middle school theatre teacher turned high school gym teacher Ms. Armstrong and our beloved art teachers Mrs. Spencer and Mrs. Morris.

Spoiler alert: Oliver! is about a young orphan from Victorian England who runs away to London and gets involved with a group of pickpockets lead by the criminal Fagin. After he is captured for a theft he did not commit, a man named Mr. Brownlow takes him in and shows him the true love of a family. Fagin then plots to kidnap Oliver from Mr. Brownlow with the help of Bill Sikes and Nancy to try to deprive Oliver of his newfound family love.

Senior Emily Spencer enjoys all parts of musicals and is auditioning for the role of Nancy. Although she was in Kent County High’s productions of High School Musical and The Music Man, her nerves are still running high. “Of course I am nervous, but that’s the fun of it. That’s the whole point” said Spencer.

Finding male students who are willing to sing and participate in this year’s production is also causing nerves to rise. Senior Cynthia Faber said “we’re going to have to have girls play boys if we don’t have any”. Any male students interested in singing and acting in Oliver! should sign up to audition as soon as possible.

Tensions may be high but students are still very excited about Oliver!. Faber said “I am more excited for Oliver than I was for the Music Man because it is not a junior show. Oliver has all the full songs from Broadway”. Junior shows are shows that are changed by educators and designed to suit school assemblies, so this year’s raw production is something students can look forward to!

Auditions will be held on Nov. 19, Nov. 20, and Nov. 21 in the auditorium from 2:30 to 4pm. Any students who are interested in auditioning should sign up on the form posted on the auditorium doors.

Audition information for Oliver! (Kent County High School Website)


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