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  • Writer's pictureLexi Landon

Russia Doping Scandal

On Dec. 9th, 2019, Russia has been officially banned from the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and the 2022 World Cup, due to doping in athletes.The Russian Prime Minister, Dmitry Medvedev said the ban was apart of "chronic anti-Russian hysteria”, which in fact is not true WADA; The World Anti-Doping Agency.

RUSADA; Russia Anti-Doping Agency says, “Russia has 21 days to appeal against the ban, If they do so, the appeal will be referred to the Court of Arbitration for Sport”(Washington Post).

The inconsistencies of data from Russia, has resulted in these punishments from WADA.

RUSADA was declared non-compliant in November 2015 after a WADA commissioned report.

From sports lawyer Professor Richard McLaren, allegedly widespread corruption that amounted to state-sponsored doping in Russian track and field athletics.

The amount of doping that has occurred is causing an uncovered, widespread state-sponsored sports doping network. The World Anti-Doping Agency promised the world back in 2018, that if Russia failed to live up to its agreements, it would use the toughest sanction or punishment under the rules.

Yet again Russia failed to keep to their word and not use doping in athletes for superior outcomes. Since the Olympics are coming soon the doping has become worse than before, therefore every participating athlete has to be tested multiple times.

Russian athletes has the door still open for people who can prove they are

not tainted by the doping scandal, to compete as neutral unaffected athletes.

If Russia was to participate in the 2020 Olympics it would affect every other state in being very suspicious. Russia has continuously used drugs in the past year to boost their athletes for their performances.

Each athlete that is participating in the future 2020 Olympics is being tested for drugs, Russia on the other hand has the option to come back but under certain circumstances.

These circumstances include more relevant drug testing, and if Russia decides to reinstate and overturn the consequence then every state has to agree. If Russia comes back to join into the 2020 Olympics doping athletes will never be allowed again.

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