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Do You Have A Case Of Senioritis?

Updated: Sep 30, 2019

Fellow Seniors,

Have you been experiencing homework fatigue and moderate cases of gazing out the window during class? Are you suffering from complete apathy and lack of follow through? You might have senioritis! Senioritis is striking early this year and seniors are ready to carry on with their future. The class of 2020 has a big year ahead of them full of deadlines and due dates.

With the stress of colleges and jobs, it’s hard to balance keeping up in school, too. When asked about what she is most looking forward to, senior Mallory Helfenbein said, “This year I’m most looking forward to prom and graduation.” Notice this has nothing to do with academics in itself. This is exactly one of the symptoms of senioritis: the focus is completely elsewhere.

Senioritis isn't new. It has been going on in American high schools for continuous years. Kent County High School teacher Sara McCown graduated from Glastonbury High School in Connecticut. She claims to have started getting her “stuff” together through junior and senior year. “By senior year I had everything under control,... after acceptance I kind of coasted through high school,” she said. “Not that I’m suggesting you coast through your time as a senior, my senior year was really chill and everyone found their place.”

The focus seems to not be so much on academics, but appreciating the year as it is and the people around us. “If I can describe senior year so far I would say it is bitter-sweet,” said Jillian Orr. Senior year is a time to enjoy friends and make memories before our time together is up. We have grown up together since elementary school, and it is finally time to spread our wings and leave the nest. Senior Ryan Argo said, “This year is an important time to appreciate everything and I want to make it the best year possible.” So hang in there my fellow students, we have a long road ahead of us.

Catherine Milligan



Seniors often sleep in and receive tardies.

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