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  • Writer's pictureNicole Newsome

Say Cheese

Say Cheese!

Kent County High School suffered through yet another picture day on Sept. 13, 2019. KCHS students and staff are gaining a redemption day for picture retakes on Oct. 15, 2019. Teachers have explained their hatred towards picture day.

In this world, picture day is dreaded by the majority of people. It just so happens you have a stain on your dress, a hole in your shoes, and you are having the worst hair day possible. Nothing out of the ordinary. However, picture day isn’t as dreadful for some people. Teachers have various responses about what picture day was like for them.

“I didn’t mind it” Sara McCown said, an English teacher at KCHS. “ I was never one of those kids who bought ‘the cool backgrounds.’ And now… I completely dread picture day. I try to skip it until Mrs. Saunders has to drag me out of my classroom to get it.”

“They are always like, ‘tilt your head’, ‘Do this, do that,'"Cheryl Bachman said, a social studies teacher at KCHS.

“I think it was in the sixth grade when my mom let me choose a different ‘cool’ background rather than just a regular blue background,” Mr. Irwin said, a science teacher at KCHS.

Do you remember when your parents picked out your outfit the night before your picture day in elementary school? Picture day used to be the most important day of the year, but now… it is dreadful. Students have opinions on what picture day was like for them when they were in elementary school compared to what it is like now.

“Man I was nervous,” Ayanna-raine said, a junior at KCHS. “My mom would wake up early to do my hair. Then I would get sent to school to smile and pose for a stranger. Now they just snap a photo, get paid, and do not care about if it is even a good picture or not.”

Junior Sarah Hofstetter said “Well… it was very important when I was a kid. But now, I couldn't care less.”

Simply, picture day is not for everyone. At the end of the day, picture day is not the end of the world. It just goes in your living room, on your grandma's fridge, and your dad's wallet so he can show it to the most people he possibly can.

English teacher at KCHS Sara McCown, as a senior in high school. Photo courtesy of Sara McCown.

A social studies teacher at KCHS Cheryl Bachman, as a freshman in high school. Photo courtesy of Cheryl Bachman.

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