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  • Writer's pictureCatherine Milligan

School Spirit Returns To Kent County Football Games

Students at Kent County High School have stepped up their game this year in the field of spirit. A poll was put up on Twitter asking students about different theme choices for the first home football game on Sept. 27. By default, the neon theme won with 43% of votes, blowing away the USA, white out, and Hawaiian themes.

Being one of the first organized themed football games, students were excited to show off their spirit in support of the football team by sporting neon attire. Themed football games are organized to bring more spirit to the stands and more people into the audience. The stands were full of neon shirts and smiling faces on that Friday.

The themed football game is getting much positive feedback this year. We as a school are excited to keep the themed football games a tradition to carry through the years. Hopefully, students will continue to spread the spirit and dress up for other sports teams, too.

The increase of spirit creates a positive atmosphere.

“The student section this year is a lot more hype. We stand up rather than sitting, we are more loud, and we have a lot more people come to the games,” said junior Julianne Diallo. Many students feel like this is the first year our school has showed this much spirit.

“The student section this year is really looking more lively compared to last year,... but I do think that we should have a students-only section to create a more student like environment where the student body can all be together,” said senior Mayowa Taiwo.

Last year, the county put together a Purple-Out game in support of Kent Goes Purple, a drug prevention movement. It was encouraged that everyone in the stands dress in purple.

Hundreds of people showed up to the game and showed a tremendous amount of spirit. The outcome of the Purple game was greater than expected and the people behind Kent Goes Purple are pushing for another purple game to keep the movement strong.

The original Journalism twitter poll was intended to get the temperature of the school and gather student opinion by the Journalism staff. As an organization that speaks on behalf of the student body, we are happy to take the majority decision and make it known.

We are always open to suggestions about these themed football games and you can contact the Journalism Staff through email: It should be advised that the purpose of the themed football games is to wear it to the games and not school.

Kent County's student section at the neon game. Photo courtesy of Misty Mett.

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