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  • Writer's pictureCynthia Faber

Senior Privilege

As spooky season approaches students are getting excited for Homecoming on Oct. 26. One thing that makes homecoming complete is the king and queen, which are two seniors. Along with the Homecoming dance there is a pep rally. Every year our school does a powder puff game which only Seniors and Juniors are eligible to play. 

After Homecoming comes Halloween and underclassman are eager to see what the seniors are going to wear. Some students do group costumes. Seniors Thea Braten, Ellie Jetton, and Hayden Davis plan to be the three witches from Hocus Pocus. Seniors Emily Spencer and Brianna Pinder plan to be Lilo and Stitch together. 

Through the winter months Seniors are applying to college and buying their caps and gowns. A long with that also comes senior pictures and writing the senior bios for the yearbook. Only seniors get to have a quote in the yearbook.

Through fall, winter, and spring sports seasons there is a senior night that happens at the last home game of every season. Every senior on the team gets recognized for their hard work on the team. Football, marching band, and cheerleaders will have their senior night on Nov. 1. All of the seniors will be escorted by their family and friends across the football field as a bio is being read about them. It's an event that students look forward to all through their high school career.

Spring time means senior trip! Each year the senior class plans a trip where up to 50 seniors can go to the chosen destination. In previous years, it has been an amusement park such as Hershey Park or Six Flags. 

As the year is coming to an end there's still plenty more seniors get to do. We can't forget about prom where their will be a prom queen and king (where again only seniors can run). Also, senior skip day where every senior will skip school to do something fun with their peers. There is also the funny awards where seniors vote for who they think best fits the category. Some categories in the past have been best truck, most likely to become president, and most likely to faint at the sight of blood. 

As most people know, seniors last day of school is usually mid may. The week before the graduation ceremony the seniors get to have a giant picnic at worton park, senior awards night, and much more. 

And finally, as the school year comes to a close the seniors walk across the stage in their blue and gold.

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