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  • Writer's pictureMiAsia Hawkes

Taliban Deal A Fail

On February 29, America signed a deal with the Taliban, promising nationwide peace in return for U.S troop withdrawal. Soldiers may withdraw from Afghanistan after 18 years of being there.

📷 Afghan security forces stand guard after an attack by Taliban fighters near an Afghan National Army (ANA) outpost, in Kunduz province on Wednesday [AFP] (Aljeezera)

Update: While writing the article, headlines have been made that on March 4th the U.S has conducted airstrikes on Taliban forces in Helmand, Afghanistan. The Taliban forces were attacking an Afghanistan National Security checkpoint and the U.S attacked claiming a defense strike. This raid which was conducted is the first strike in eleven days and a mere 3 days after the official peace deal was announced. Taliban leaders promised to the international community that they would, in fact, reduce the amount of violence caused after signing the deal in Doha Afghanistan, February 29th.

In regards to the recent attacks, a lot of questions have been raised about the deal. Throughout the years, the public was told of deals in order to suppress the Taliban's violence throughout the country, but it always seems to fail.

Most Americans were not even informed on the ordeal. News outlets sense the desensitization and exhaust of Taliban ordeals.

Amidst the claims, the U.S has reportedly begun to pull troops from the country. As of Monday, hundreds of soldiers are leaving Afghanistan without return. They plan to cut numbers from 13,000 to 8,600. (KTVB7) They plan to recall all troops within the next 14 months if the Taliban holds up peace.

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