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  • Writer's picturebiancapotts

The Affairs between America and Africa.

The Pentagon has publicly brought to light that they are participating in combat raids by African troops in their many countries. The countries including Somalia located to the west of Ethiopia, Kenya located on the coastline of the Indian Ocean. , Tunisia on the Mediterranean coast of Northwest Africa and Niger landlocked country in West Africa, named after the Niger River under a set of classified programs. 

The Shabab, an East African terrorist group affiliated with Al Qaeda, have vowed to attack Americans wherever they can, although their campaign has largely been confined to Somalia. 

America's military operations are playing big roles against terrorists in Africa,African troops in countries including Somalia, Kenya, Tunisia and Niger. The Obama and Trump administrations militaries relied on partners in other countries to carry out crucial missions against suspected terrorists American casualties after direct involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Army Special Forces Operational Detachment Alpha team conducts advanced nighttime marksmanship training at a Nigerien Army range on Sept. 11. 

Americans are there to advise, assist and train African militaries but they don't want any part in the affairs. U.S. forces are in the field with their African partners, as was the case in Niger.

There has been a long history as a trade and smuggling route that connects sub-Saharan Africa with North Africa and troubled countries like Libya. It's hard to track down who was accountable for that Attacks in Niger but they do have some ideas.

There has been some ambushes, a team was ambushed was not operating under the authority. As of right now we have sent over 6,000 troops in Africa.

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