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What's Going On In The Democratic Debates?

As the fourth democratic primary debate is scheduled for October 15th, eleven candidates have already qualified. Biden, Booker, Buttigieg, Castro, Harris, Klobuchar, O’Rourke, Sanders, Warren, Yang and Steyer have all qualified.

In the most recent debate, candidates discussed topics such as Trump’s presidency, health care, immigration, climate change and more.

In the third debate, on September 12th, front runner Joe Biden expressed his views on advances in medicine, the importance of education and the neglect of response to the ongoing issue of climate change. The former vice president ended his introductory speech stating “There are enormous opportunities once we get rid of Donald Trump.”

Biden led the debates with the most response time, at 17:22, following closely was Warren with 16:37 and Booker with 14:46. The most discussed topic was health care, with Warren and Sanders backing their Medicare for All plan.

At this time, no other candidate appears close to reaching the polling and fundraising thresholds by the October 1 deadline. The next debate is scheduled for Tuesday October 15th.

Ally Hickman


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