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  • Writer's pictureCynthia Faber

What you can do about Climate Change

The term climate refers to the general weather conditions of a place over many years. In the United States, for example, Maine’s climate is cold and snowy in winter while South Florida’s is tropical year-round. Climate change is a significant variation of average weather conditions—say, conditions becoming warmer, wetter, or drier—over several decades or more. It’s that long-term trend that differentiates climate change from natural weather variability. And while “climate change” and “global warming” are often used interchangeably, global warming—the recent rise in the global average temperature near the earth’s surface—is just one aspect of climate change.

Humans—more specifically, the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions we generate—are the leading cause of the earth’s rapidly changing climate. Greenhouse gases play an important role in keeping the planet warm enough to inhabit. But the amount of these gases in our atmosphere has skyrocketed in recent decades.

Here are some things you can incorporate into your daily life to help fight climate change. Use your energy wisely. Switch to energy efficient light bulbs, hang dry your clothes rather than using a dryer, and unplug electronics when you are not using them. 

You can even make your meals more climate friendly. You can eat more meat free meals, but organic or local groceries, and grow your own food. Most importantly, try not to waste your food. 

Making your commute “more green” can be a little more difficult here in Kent County since we don't have any buses or trains to take public transportation. However, you can carpool. The less cars and trucks we have on the road the better. 

Lastly, start a conversation with someone. Not everyone is informed and know what climate change is. The more involved people are, the more we can try to make our planet forever a nice place to live, not just for us and our children, but for more generations after. 

Polar bears are starving and losing their habitats due to climate change.

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