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  • Writer's pictureNicole Newsome

Women and children trapped in ISIS Camps in Syria

Women and children trapped in ISIS Camps in Syria 

A lot has been going on right now between the U.S, Turkey and Syria. The population that seems to be forgotten is the women and children trapped in the ISIS Camps in Syria.

According to Vox, over 70,000 women and children have been held in captivity in Syria, with the latest update of their status as prisoners being Oct. 15. 

In northeast Syria, Turkey launched an attack against the people in charge of the camps because they want them to leave. It is unknown exactly who was in connection with ISIS, therefore it is unclear why these women and children are getting held. 

The women and children are trapped because they have an involvation with the men that are in ISIS. That does not mean that they are guilty of anything, it is a concept of uncertainty. No one knows for sure who performed in the crimes, as a result, they are all captured. 

According to the Independent, “It would also likely complicate the repatriation process because it would mean the UK government would have to directly negotiate with Damascus rather than the Kurds.”

According to The Guardian, the Austrailian government was considering helping those trapped in the camps. Now they have reconsidered, and decided not to get between the situation. Although, the Australian government claims that they have concerns for the Australians that are trapped. The Australian defense minister, Linda Reynolds says “It is a very difficult situation. It is a very dangerous area, we will not be endangering the lives of other Australians. It’s that simple.” she said to The Guardian. It seems that she cares very much about the situation but does not want to risk the lives of other Australians. 

The United States troops were previously in Syria. According to Vox, “those troops will be stationed in western Iraq where they will continue the fight against ISIS.” With the U.S withdrawing from Syria, Donald Trump says, “that the reason he wanted to withdraw US troops was that the US has “defeated ISIS in Syria.” but, these women and children are still left behind.

UPDATE: As of 10/27/19, leader within ISIS Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is now dead via suicide bomb.

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