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  • Writer's pictureHailey Cox-Pemberton

Women Can Be President Too

“It’s time for women to go to Washington and fix our broken government, and that includes a woman at the top.”-Elizabeth Warren, Senator from Massachusetts.

When hearing the word politics, most people will imagine a group of men sitting around a table arguing all day. No one seems to remember when Kamala Harris, Senator from California questioned President Donald Trump’s cabinet nominees or when Amy Klobuchar, Senator from Minnesota, questioned Brett M. Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings. More recently though women have been getting more notice from the press, according to Vox 6 women started off the election season running for president (now we only have 5).

“Political science tells us that the surge of women this cycle is in large part due to the inroads Hillary Clinton made in 2016, along with the outrage women across the country have experienced since Donald Trump, an alleged sexual harasser, has taken office. The historic 2018 midterms, which saw the election of more than 100 women Congress members, also demonstrated that women could, overwhelmingly, win.” Women running for president is the new normal written by Li Zhou Mar. 12, 2019.

Women running for president was almost unheard of before Hillary Clinton ran in 2016. When she ran, women everywhere felt hope that a woman could be more than the First Lady. Women felt empowered and began to lift themselves up and raise their neighbors as well. According to Diffen, Clinton received 2.87 million more votes than Trump did but Trump received a majority of electoral votes and won.

According to Vox a woman candidate is not as “electable” as a man isn’t grounded in actual data. “While gender bias definitely continues to exist, voters are only exacerbating it if they discount women from the get-go… the question ‘Can a woman win?’ is the wrong one to ask.” -Vox.

No matter what happens in the elections women would love to see another woman as our United States President.

Zhou, Li. “Women Running for President Is the New Normal.” Vox, Vox, 12 Mar. 2019,

“Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton.” Diffen,

Zhou, Li. “Women candidates are constantly asked about their electability. Here are 5 reasons that’s misguided.” Vox, Vox, 12 Mar. 2019,

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