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  • Writer's pictureNicole Newsome

"Hero Bags"

“Hero Bags” are in the making 

Nearly 3,000 homeless veterans have been helped by “hero bags” made by 8 year old Tyler Stallings. Originally, Stallings told his mom that he wanted to build the homeless veterans houses. Although he could not build them houses, he takes out his time to build them “hero bags”. 

In the winter, the hero bags include; a hat and gloves, a sweater, soap, ect. “Tyler has been helping veterans, he has donated close to 3,000 hero bags”, Tylers mom tells CNN. He not only gives bags to The Maryland Boys Extended Family, but to many other organizations as well. 

Stallings was only 4 years old when he first discovered that there were veterans in need. He has continued his help ever since then. He was so young at the time, his parents have been supportive and have helped him accomplish all of his goals for the veterans. 

A boy as young as 8 years old has helped the community more than many grown-ups. He has identified how important veterans are to our country and has worked hard to help them. 

It is inspiring to know that he is helping the veterans around him. Kent County highschool is currently having a canned food drive to donate to The Kent County Food Bank Tree. We are helping families in need for the holidays. 

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