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Lunch Debt is Upsetting America

Updated: Mar 11, 2020

“Hundreds of people donated to pay off lunch debts at a Minnesota school after hearing that students' hot meals were thrown away.”- CNN

According to CNN, 40 students at Richfield High School had their lunches thrown away November 11, 2019. This caused an outrage in social media and with parents. People have donated about $22,800 to the student’s debt since the incident. “A local church, Passion Church, also pledged $10,000 in donations over the course of a year, the district confirmed. That brings the pledged amount up to more than $32,000.”

About 3 hours away in Vista, California, five year old Katelynn Hardee heard about fellow kindergarten students who couldn’t get lunch because they didn’t have money on their account. “So Katelynn decided to set up a stand on December 8, spending her Sunday selling hot cocoa, cider, and cookies. Katelynn and her mom donated the $80 collected, which went towards paying off the negative lunch balances of over 100 students at her elementary school.”- CNN.

There needs to be a better lunch systems because even students on reduced lunch are struggling to pay. Not all students can get free lunch and some students truly need it. If there was a way to get all students on free lunch, schools everywhere need to start doing it. Churches, nonprofit organizations, and the more fortunate parents are donating money to schools to pay off debt for all students.

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